1. How to clone Instagram using Multiple Accounts?

Click the ’+‘ in Multiple Accounts and select Instagram. After Instagram is added, its icon will appear in Multiple Accounts. You can then tap the new icon to launch the cloned Instagram, and proceed to access your second account.

Helpful Tips: If you want to add a home screen shortcut for your new cloned Instagram, long-press the icon in Multiple Accounts and select ‘Desktop’. We recommend making your second Instagram account before creating and launching the cloned Instagram, this helps avoid any account verification issues that might arise from using a cloned version.

2. Will the cloned Instagram auto upgrade when I upgrade my original Instagram app?

Yes, your cloned Instagram app will be automatically upgraded once you finish upgrading your original Instagram app. So you do not need to upgrade one more time again in Multiple Accounts. Yay!

3. Why don't my cloned Instagram show notifications?

a. First Possible Reason: Multiple Accounts doesn’t have the necessary message notification permissions. When these permissions aren’t enabled, the cloned Instagram app running in the background does receive the notification, but because it’s in the background it depends on Multiple Accounts to pass that notification along to you and Multiple Accounts can’t show you that notification without these permissions.

Recommendation: Luckily, this is an easy fix! Just navigate to your device’s Settings menu, select App Permissions, find Multiple Accounts App and grant it all notification-related permissions.

b. Second Possible Reason: The second possible reason is that when a cloned Instagram application is running in the background, and you don’t use or access it for a period of time, your device’s operating system may reclaim it to save memory and processing power. Normally this is a great thing to do, so you don’t have unused apps running in the background slowing down your device, but it does prevent those apps from receiving notifications.

Recommendation: If Multiple Accounts has all of the appropriate permissions and you’re still not receiving notifications, you may need to turn off the power saving policy in your device’s settings and grant Multiple Accounts permission to start automatically. This will prevent your device from closing cloned Instagram apps running in the background to save battery, and if they are closed, this allows Multiple Accounts to reopen them for you and continue receiving notifications.

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